Monday, January 16, 2012

laundry or blog?

Baby is sleeping...dishes are done....but my laundry is crying out to be folded. 

What should I do? 

Blog- obviously. 

I've been wondering what I can do in my day to keep me on track with what I SHOULD be doing in my life and possibly, inspire others (or at least amuse them). In September, my husband and I began our journey in parenthood. This is the most rewarding (and tear-filled) experience I've ever had. What has filled the majority of our parenting discussions is "What do we want to teach our children?" 

Being Benjamin's parents is beyond feeding him, getting spit-up on, buying cute clothes and making sure he wears a hat when it's cold out...even though he hates having them put on. Being his parents requires that we raise him to love and know God. 

It would be easy to read him his children's Bible, teach him "Now I lay me down to sleep..." and just go to church on Sundays. Sounds simple enough and we could do this easily. However, it's not about what's easy. 

Raising our son to follow the right path is so much more than that. It's being examples of faith and love- EVERY DAY! It means keeping our language in check and reminding those around us to do the same. It means monitoring what they watch and even what we watch without the children. It means BEING the church, not just showing up on Sundays- participating in activities, building friendships and living our faith with our church family. It means teaching him about family, respect, social responsibility and having parents who express love through words and deeds. 

Sam writes a message under the theme of  "Stewardship" for every Sunday service. This week, he spoke on Proverbs 22:6 - "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Pretty powerful stuff, right? As Sam said in his message, our children reap what we sow. What will our children inherit from us? It's exhausting just to think about! We're learning by practicing these things every day, they become our nature- not something forced and sometimes forgotten (ok, I take back that last part...we're human and don't always think/say/do what we know we should...we're working on it!)

I've always loved much as I love music. I thought this might be a good way to keep my thoughts in order, learn from others and feel "semi" productive. Check back from time to time. See what we're up to! I'm also revisiting the world of craftiness so I'll probably be sharing some of that too! 

...time to go match up a gazillion little baby socks....

Benjamin says "arrrgghh!"